Saturday 27 March 2010

illustration of pan my man

pan pan you man..... ahaha well heres one more illustration of one of my friends panhead hopfully he wount be a bitch like smash.

Wednesday 24 March 2010

smash got pissy at this lol

gonna do some pics of my mats heres one tomverge the fucking cat rapist!!/tomverge?ref=mf

just for fun i did some municipal waste art work!

just for fun and just for how much of a awsome band they are!!!!!!!!

a bit of work for my friends in the ban feral eve! go check them out for some metalssssss!

a bit of band art for my friends in the holy moments!

a bit of art for my friends ....we might get this made up in to a t-shirt

my painting of Aung San Suu Kyi a fucking brave woman burma

a painting i did after i saw the film the deer hunter agen recently

blood and guts everywere!

some work i did when i first got photoshop

this is just for fun and i did these a bit ago iv got allot better i was just playing around with the tools with them... will post the new ones later.

some more uni work

some more paintings and illustrations i did when i was at uni all the pics of my paintings are shit my cam blasts them with light or there to dark. i cant get any good pics of them.

Tuesday 23 March 2010

paintings i did at uni...befor i droped out !

A a selection of old paintings & illustration iv done in the past.